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October 2020


Kindling does...

We have had some does pass their kindling date and not act like anything new was going on.  We are supposed to have four does kindle on the 21st but only one acts pregnant.  I might be jumping the gun by posting this but just because our "Buns in the Oven" page states that we have litters on the way, it doesn't always work out.  If we don't have the litters we were planning for, we will rebreed and have twice as many does bred for next month.  We will see what happens!


We are changing our feed!



London's babies are 2 weeks old today



London has kindled

It is a chilly day here in St. Louis and I spent the day cleaning the rabbitry.  Just as I went in to clean up and fix dinner, London decided it was time!  After dinner was over, I went out to check on her and she had just finished kindling.  She has a nice big litter of 7 kits.  This is big for London as she has only had a singleton and four in her past litters for us.
They were cold and sticky still when we snapped the photo.  We brought them in to warm them and let them dry.  We are not certain on any color except one self black.  The rest are a mystery right now.  There are a couple self and the rest are some sort of agouti or fox/otter.  We won't know for a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!



London is preparing!!!

So London is building her nest.  She worked on it yesterday and working on it some more tonight.  She is due tomorrow! This is an exciting litter for us.  She is a stunning chestnut agouti so with agouti being dominant, there is a high chance she has agoutis.  However, she carries chinchilla (also an agouti).  Then we throw in that she was bred to a black otter, we have a mystery on our hands.  Anything with a white belly could be one of the three!  We are going to have to wait a couple of weeks after the litter is born to even know what color they actually are.  It is suspense for us and right now we just hope she has a healthy litter and she does fine herself! This is is likely her last litter before being strictly a pet.


Past Bunny Post...

Bunny news! You will find current news on my blog right here! Don't miss out on any new baby info!

at country bumpkin bunnies we adore our bunnies

'Rabbits have a subtle repertoire of body language to communicate so they don't draw attention to themselves. They use these signals to bond with their hutch mates, and the humans in their lives to say 'I love you'.
- Rosie Bescoby, animal behaviourist

Pedigres | Birth Cert.

All bunnies come with a Free Global Generic pedigree. We also have a custom bunny birth certificate available for a small fee...

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Prepare for New Bunny

So your buying a new bunny and are waiting on its arrival.  Here is our top 10 list of what you need to prepare for your new bunny.

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We are devoted to help you find answers to our most frequently asked questions about English Angora Rabbits, quickly and efficiently.

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Our Bunny Policies

Everything you want to know about buying our bunnies! Please take the time to read it if you are considering to buying English Angora bunnies.

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