Red Eyes in Rabbits

We grew to love them!

English Angoras (REW and Pointed) do NOT have red eyes

English Angoras (REW and Pointed) do NOT have red eyes.  Their pupils are pink and
the iris is a pinkish lavender color that is very pretty!

English Angoras (REW and Pointed) do NOT have red eyes. REW stands for Ruby Eyed White, however, their pupils are pink and the iris is a pinkish lavender color that is very pretty! Growing up, I always got creeped out by red eyed rabbits.  Take a look at some pictures of red eyes or "ruby eyes" in some rabbits below.  Some of the bunnies have a very distinctive red eye and some have a more lavender iris around the red pupil.  The English Angora with Ruby eyes have pink shaded or what some call, double pink eyes.

Random pictures were just taken off google images, we do not own them and they are not English Angora Rabbits.

You can either love the REW or hate it.  The Pointed color has ruby eyes as well. We didn't like them when we first started but after we learned that they really weren't bright red like an albino rat, we grew to love them!  

How could you not love the look of Pinkalicious and Sugar Baby (pictured below)!!!  They are gorgeous bunnies!
Besides, white angoras make beautiful fiber for spinning and you can dye it any color!

FYI, the other color of white bunnies if you still do not like the ruby eye: BEW (blue eyed white) and also ermines.  Ermines
are often solid white with any color eye (except ruby).  Sometimes ermines can have a blue-gray eye and will have some shading through their coat but very sparse coloring. It is basically a white chinchilla. We have owned a brown eyed white ermine (Paris who has passed) and now have a blue-gray eyed ermines (Geneva and Miracle).

Meet Our Bunny Bumpkins Team

Hi! I'm the heart behind every bunny you see on this website. I fell in love with these fluffy babies and had to have them. I socialize them and spend time with them every chance I get. Occasionally I feed and clean but I'm usually caught slacking on that part of the job and excelling at snuggling them 100% of the time.

aHnika - Chief Bunny SNUGgler

I am the chief groomer, cleaner and feeder. I TRY to leave the snuggling to the kids although these sweet fur balls have become a quick obsession of mine. I find myself giving bunny kisses often. I take the blame for the excessive number of bunnies we own lol.

mom –Chief groomer

I'm the errand boy. Anything they need, I go get it. I pick up about 600 lbs of feed and a couple bales of hay every two weeks!  I'm also caught trying to train the baby bunnies to come to me right out of the nest box as soon as their eyes open (every litter). I can't resist these cute little bunnies.

dad – errand boy

I am the brains behind the genetics and planned litters. I take most of the pictures and videos and handle all the finances of the biz. My kids are infatuated with every single bunny and enjoy getting to hold the bunnies when allowed. Sometimes they even get to help water the bunnies.

Kelsi & kids – Biz & Fun

at country bumpkin bunnies we adore our bunnies

'Rabbits have a subtle repertoire of body language to communicate so they don't draw attention to themselves. They use these signals to bond with their hutch mates, and the humans in their lives to say 'I love you'.
- Rosie Bescoby, animal behaviourist

Pedigres | Birth Cert.

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