Frequently Asked Questions About Rabbits

Frequently Asked Questions About
English angora rabbits

We are devoted to help you find answers to our most frequently asked questions about English Angora Rabbits, quickly and efficiently. We will continue to develop this page over time, as we receive more questions.

1. What kind of rabbits do you raise?  
We raise pedigreed English Angora rabbits.

2. Where are you located?
We are in Dunlap, IL.

3. Can we come visit your animals?  
Our rabbitry is closed but we do offer PPU (porch pick up) at our home because of COVID.  We provide photos of all our breeding stock for viewing right here on the herd.

4. What kind of rabbit pellets do you feed?
Nutrena NatureWise 18%

5. Do you use a special water for your rabbits?
No, we use tap water.

6. What kind of rabbit cage should I buy for an English Angora rabbit?
There are lots of different styles of cages and hutches that you can find in stores and online.  We have both store bought and homemade cages that we designed and built.  The most important thing about your cage is going to be the size. Angoras have so much hair that they need grow out room.  It's not really fair to keep them in a 24 x 24 inch cage regardless.

Look for a minimum of 30 inches long.  Some cages are only 19 inches deep but try to not get anything less than that. We prefer close to 40 inches long so they have more space. The average size cage that we find online that is very reasonable is a 30 x 36 inch with wire bottom. More info on cages, go to our Barn page and our New Bunny Info page.

The English Angora Rabbit is docile and sociable.

Frequently Asked Questions

7. What kind of treats should we give to our English Angora bunny?
We use BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds), old fashioned oats, and Calf Manna.  More info and pictures are posted on our Prepare for your new bunny page of this website. In the warmer months, we do not give as much as it can make them hot or gain too much weight. Be very careful not to over do it!

8. Can we just feed veggies to the rabbits?
No we recommend that you use a good rabbit pellet that is made for rabbits and introduce vegetables slowly, one at a time.  Wait until the bunny is 6 months old for intro to veggies (one kind at a time).

9. Do you have to give hay to the rabbits?  
We say yes to this question because it does two things for the rabbit.  First, it is something they like to eat and chew on (out of boredom).  It works great for keeping the teeth gnawed down so you don't have to have their teeth trimmed.  Rabbits' teeth never stop growing.

Then, eating hay for rabbits keeps the gut moving and they have a healthier digestive system.  If a rabbit doesn't eat, they will have gas build up in their stomach which can lead to bloat.  Rabbits cannot burp or vomit so this is a very painful death for them!

10. How do we purchase a bunny?
Please read our Bunny Policy page on what steps to take in purchasing.  We typically have babies or buns in the oven at all times.

11. How do I get a bunny home?
If you are not local or close enough to make the drive to the St. Louis, MO, we do work with transporters.  We keep a list of good transporters on our Transport page.

12. Are your bunnies papered or come with a pedigree?
Yes, all of our rabbits have pedigrees and unless we state otherwise (before purchase), you will be given a pedigree for your rabbit you purchase from us. Please read about our CBB Custom Pedigrees and Birth Certificates we offer as well!

Angoras are intelligent, gentle rabbits who love to play, especially with cat toys.

13. What are the fluffy rabbits called with long hair on the face that look like a dog?
This is the English Angora rabbit breed.

14. How long does it take for the rabbits ears to be full of hair?
An English Angora rabbit should have nice ear furnishings by the time it turns 3 - 4 months old. Then it will start to tassel on the ends giving it the appearance they are known for.

15. How long can the rabbits hair get?
If it is a molting angora, it will only grow 3-6 inches before it starts shedding.  If it is not prone to molting and the owner takes care of the coat (grooming, blowing out, limited brushing), the coat can grow to great lengths.  

Right now the longest English Angora rabbit coat is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records of 14.37  inches (owner Betty Chu) in 2014.

16. What can you do with the hair (fiber/wool) from the rabbits?
You can do lots of things if you want to harvest (remove and store/save) the fiber.  Spin the fiber into yarn or use for felting. You can do lots with yarn or make lots of things with felt!

17. Are English Angora rabbits friendly?
Yes, very much so!  They are very gentle and people friendly.  They make great pets and therapy buddies! The only downfall is the high maintenance coats or there would probably be more people that wanted to own them.

18. Where did the English Angora rabbit come from?
The Angora is said to have originated in Ankara (historically known as Angora), in present-day Turkey, and is known to have been brought to France in 1723. The Angora rabbit became a popular pet of the French royalty in the mid-18th century, and Angoras spread to other parts of Europe by the end of that century.

Click on link for full story, taken directly from Wikipedia.

19. Compared to other Angora breeds of rabbits, where does the English Angora fall in size?
English Angoras are the smallest of all angora breeds.  They grow to 5-7 1/2 pounds typically.  Their wool makes them appear larger when grown out longer.

20. Are the English Angora rabbits the only ones with facial furnishings?
No, the German Angora (not recognized by the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club aka NARBC) also has facial furnishings but is much larger in size when fully grown.  The German Angora is recognized by the International Association of German Angora Rabbit Breeders (IAGARB). The Giant, French and Satin do not have the facial furnishings or tassels on the ears.

21. What is wool block?
Wool block is when a rabbit over-grooms itself and ingests too much of its wool (fur, hair, fiber).  It will clog up the digestive system and not pass.  This is fatal if not addressed quickly and still may be fatal with medical intervention.

22. How do you keep your rabbits from getting wool block?
We try to keep our angora rabbits trimmed down if we suspect that they are ingesting too much wool. We also give papaya pills or pineapple chunks to our rabbits as a treat because it is known to help pass wool and the bunnies love the taste of them.  They consider them a treat! We watch daily for signs of wool block. Normally our rabbits in full coat will start to go off feed when they are ingesting too much wool. The simple fix to this is to harvest the wool and they show immediately results and are very happy! We have seen a complete turn around in less than 24 hours with them back to eating normal.

Pineapple chunks are something bunnies love as a fresh treat that can help pass wool if blocked in the digestive tract. Some even put pineapple juice in the water to help. This is not something we have had any experience with but want to mention it in case it helps someone else. We have only ever given pineapple as a treat.

Unlimited hay keeps the bunnies eating and digestive system moving also. If you notice your EA is eating its wool, will not eat its pellets or hay, remove the wool immediately. If this does not work, seek medical attention immediately.

English Angora Rabbits are Medium size & weigh 5 - 7.5lbs (2-3kg)

Frequently Asked Questions

23. Does it hurt the rabbit to harvest the wool?
No, it is no different than a human getting a hair cut.  Most of our rabbits enjoy being groomed.  We use clippers, scissors and pluck (only if a molting rabbit) if ready.  They don't mind any of the methods we use.

24. How often do you give your rabbit a hair cut?
Our angoras coats grow at a rate of about an inch or more a month.  We keep to a very strict schedule.  They get blown out 1-3 times a week (as long as it fits into our schedule) and they have a hair cut/shave down every 3 months.  If we are growing out any rabbit, they do not get a hair cut until we are finished growing out for whatever purpose needed. We do harvest our fiber to sell as well.

On bunnies born here and kept to raise, we usually do not give them their first hair cut until a minimum of 6 months old. If showing, it happens when it is retired from showing.

25. Do you take your rabbits to the Doctor?
Yes, our veterinarian in Eureka, MO  sees our rabbits anytime we need him to.  We also have an exotic veterinarian close (Chesterfield, MO) if we need the exotic specialist.

Please know that not all veterinarians are rabbit savvy.  We have lived in places where the vet would not see our rabbits and that makes life difficult. However, we have also witnessed veterinarians misdiagnose or misinform people about problems in rabbits that we know to be wrong. Please do your research and double check veterinarian advice if you question it.

Remember, doctors are human and rabbits are mysterious creatures. They do not teach heavy rabbit education in vet school. Also, rabbits are pretty easy to replace for much less money so a lot of the time, vets do not have a demand for knowledge on rabbits.

26. Do rabbits need vaccinations like dogs do?
Not necessarily.  We do not give any rabbit vaccinations other than the BunnyVac shot.  You can read about what it is and why we give it on the page about BunnyVac. The only other vaccination (RHDV: rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus) for rabbits is not sold in the state of MO at this time. It is sold in Europe but only available in the United States in states where there have been known cases found.

27. Do you sell breeding pairs?
Yes we normally breed for this option as well.

28. How long is a rabbits gestation?
Most of our does kindle at 30 or 31 days.
We have had them go sooner and if more than two days early, the kits do not usually survive. We have seen kits born with hair on them when they were a few days over due as well!

29. At what age can you breed an English Angora rabbit?
They need to be full grown in order to breed them.  This is usually by 6 months of age. The youngest doe we ever had kindle was 5 1/2 months old from an accidental breeding.

30. What is a fall-off?
A fall-off is when a buck connects with the doe in a successful mating.  He generally humps the female until he is finished, and then literally falls off the doe.  There are some bucks that are very vocal and more theatrical than others! We have seen some successful litters happen with no visible "fall-off" but  we look for the fall-off to occur within a couple of minutes of putting the pair together for breeding.  We have a video showing a fall off on our Breeding English Angora Rabbits page.

31. How do you breed English Angora rabbits?
We have a page written to answer this question in greater detail.  Breeding English Angora Rabbits.

32. Why do people say to cut the hair in the nest box that the momma doe pulls when building a nest or covering her new babies with?
The wool that momma rabbit pulls when building her nest is sometimes too long.  Anything longer than an inch can felt together and cause fatal problems for the young.  If the fiber strands are too long, they can and will wrap around body parts of the newborn kits.  Wrapped around the neck is very common but we have seen it wrapped around limbs as well.  Check for this multiple times in the first week and multiple times daily the first few days.

33. What is the average size litter of English Angoras?
We have had litters of just one kit and we have had litters of up to 13 kits.  For our rabbitry, average litter size is about 6 kits.

At first sight they actually look like giant fur balls, but that’s really their fur.

34. Where can I buy an English Angora rabbit for sale?
If we do not have one available, we do keep a waiting list free of charge.

35. What do I put the bunny in when I pick it up?
If you do not have a transport cage, a cardboard box will work just fine.  Normally it is not a long drive for people so they don't need much to get them home.  Pet taxi's work well also but always be sure to have an absorbent material on the bottom to soak up urine.

36. What is the best bedding for an English Angora rabbit?
The answer is none.  Pine chips, shredded paper or anything similar to these will just get stuck in the rabbits coat/wool.  This will make a terrible mess and do nothing but stress both you and your new bunny out.  

Over grooming a rabbit when you first get it can be deadly. If you feel you need something for your bunny to sit on, use a piece of fleece or just a pile of hay. In the winter months, some use straw in outdoor hutches.

Please check this bedding daily in case it is soiled and needs replaced so not to cause urine scald or soiled wool on your bunny. If you want something besides wire for your bunny to sit on, please view our Prepare For Your New Bunny page and check out the resting mats we use!

OwlCroft Angoras, Ian Beck

37. Why does my rabbits hair get so tangled?
There are more fibers growing out  than guard hairs on an English Angora rabbit.  The fine strands of fiber will tangle easily and that is why we suggest you use a force air dryer/blower for your bunny coat to keep all the dander, dust and tangles out. Use a comb to check the hair behind the ears and on the face first as this is the area to become tangled first on most rabbits.

If your rabbit scratches often, it will tangle and mat its hair very quickly. Check for signs of fur mites and treat accordingly. The underside of the bunny can tangle quickly as well.  It is best to keep the under coat shorter or do a sanitary trim to help keep it clean.

38. Can I give my rabbit a bath?
No, please do not bathe your angora rabbit.  First, you might literally give it a heart attack.  
Second, you will never get the coat back to normal.  The wool is liable to felt and mat up into a mess that could take days to manage. Rabbits are not patient and will stress when over groomed in a way they are not used to.

39. How often does an English Angora rabbit need its toenails cut or clipped?
We check the nails on our herd weekly. Most of our rabbits get their nails clipped once a month on average.

40. Can you ship a bunny with the airlines?
Yes but it is much more expensive than using ground transportation and we have not used this option to date. We can ship via air if there are no embargos to your location. There are a lot of extra fees involved with shipping through the airlines. They must travel in an airline approved transport carrier that is yours to keep, Other fees would be the actual airline ticket that is somewhat in the ballpark of $380 domestic flights. We charge extra for the carrier and cost of getting that carrier shipped to us as well as gas and time for going to the airport. As you can see, the cost outweighs the price of a bunny very quickly and this is why we do not recommend this transport option to most.

Some states/areas have an option of using an over night delivery service called SPEE-DEE. We have not use them to date but know a little about their services. You do have to provide a carrier and it is a very cheap option for transporting if you live within their shipping locations.

41. What colors of English Angoras do you raise?
We have most colors of English Angoras here at CBB.  We don't have them available at all times.  We have color programs that separate certain colors from breeding to certain colors.  If you want to see all of the colors we have to offer, please look at our our heard page. We even offer the highly desired colors (and patterns) that are not showable as well. These make great fiber or pet bunnies!

42. Do you have any guarantees on your rabbits?
all of our rules and policy are posted on our Policy page.

43. What kind of hay can you give a rabbit?
We recommend Timothy hay like everyone usually suggests.  However, we use hay from local farmers and it is a mixture of grass hay.  Orchard hay is another good hay that rabbits can eat as well. Please avoid alfalfa hay with any rabbit over 6 months of age.

44. I am looking for a special color of English Angora. How do I get it?
We have many color programs in our EA rabbitry.  If you do not see the color you want, contact us and let us know to put you on a waiting list for that color.  It is free of charge.

45. Do you have a color page to identify what color my rabbit is?
We are currently working on a very detailed and educational page for identifying English Angora rabbit colors. It is not ready to publish at this time. However, we do have a very friendly Facebook group specifically for this purpose.  Please join English Angora Rabbit Colors and Bunnies and feel free to post about your bunnies! This group is drama free and kid friendly!

Remember. We add to this page periodically!

at country bumpkin bunnies we adore our bunnies

'Rabbits have a subtle repertoire of body language to communicate so they don't draw attention to themselves. They use these signals to bond with their hutch mates, and the humans in their lives to say 'I love you'.
- Rosie Bescoby, animal behaviourist

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About CBB

Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my bunny site, Country Bumpkin Bunnies. I decided that the English Angora rabbit was the breed for me.

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Our Bunny Policies

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