Meet Frenchie and Cubby!

Everything you want to know about the puppies!

Litter photo above is the previous litter. Stay tuned! New litter born November 8, 2021...

Last Updated:
November 9, 2021

Meet Frenchie and Cubby!

Frenchie is our 8 pound, mini black phantom female poodle.
Cubby is our 12 pound, wheaten parti, male schnauzer.

Cubby has gotten quite a bit heavier than we anticipated, coming from 5 and 9 pound parents. I imagine because he is big boned and goodness does he like to eat! After Cubby sired a litter of puppies earlier this year, we thought it would be awesome to let him breed Wrigley, our chocolate merle toy schnauzer and they had a litter of babies. So this ended up a planned mating and we were all excited as we anticipated Wrigley being ready to whelp. After thinking we would not breed Frenchie to Cubby again, we decided to go ahead and do a repeat breeding. All of Cubby's babies have been gorgeous and all of the previous buyers are so happy with their puppies from these litters.

Frenchie was bred to Cubby and whelped two gorgeous babies on Nov 8, 2021. She wasn't near as big as she was for her first litter so we were surprised she had two puppies but thankful it was two instead of one. We were seriously worried that one puppy would be too big and cause her to have a c-section. Thankfully, that was not the case. She went into active labor as I was cleaning around her and keeping a close eye on her jumping in and out of her whelping box. Then within an hour, she pushed puppy number one (beige male) out at 11:54 am. Soon followed was puppy number two born (black male) at 11:58 am. After feeling her belly, we determined this was it and she was finished. She immediately calmed down and relaxed. This was a record time for delivering puppies for me! Frenchie is an awesome mom and she has such beautiful puppies!


Puppy supply list:
Collar or harness, leash, food and water dish, puppy food, small training treats, bed, crate, playpen, toys, piddle pads if using.

Set  a vet appointment for continuing puppy shots. They will receive their first worming and booster shot on at 8 weeks according to our vet.

Find a groomer but don’t schedule first appointment until puppy shots are completed (16 weeks normally). I will freshen up their groom before going home (I am a retired groomer).

Links to useful things that your puppy is using here:

Large kennel

Pet taxi

Puppy food
We use BJ's Raw:

Another raw food we have used when we ran out and our shipment didn't get to us in time (sold in PetSmart/Petco stores)

We have this feed on hand for emergencies:

Washable Puppy piddle pads (bed pads)

Walmart and pet supply stores have these but I buy all professional products from this company: Shampoo and conditioner, Slicker Brush, and poodle or greyhound style metal prong comb


Scroll down to see the puppies!

Video of pups at 4 weeks

Video of pups at 6 weeks

Scroll down to see the updates for all the new owners. ALL PUPPIES HAVE BEEN RESERVED

Meet Mom -Frenchie!

Meet Dad - Cubby!

Click on Images Below to Enlarge

Meet the Puppies

Puppy 1: Reserved for Wilson

Puppy 2: Now named Cali, Reserved for Rhonda

Puppy 3: Reserved for Nichole

Puppy 4: Now named Baily, Reserved for Mary

Meet Our Bunny Bumpkins Team

Hi! I'm the heart behind every bunny you see on this website. I fell in love with these fluffy babies and had to have them. I socialize them and spend time with them every chance I get. Occasionally I feed and clean but I'm usually caught slacking on that part of the job and excelling at snuggling them 100% of the time.

aHnika - Chief Bunny SNUGgler

I am the chief groomer, cleaner and feeder. I TRY to leave the snuggling to the kids although these sweet fur balls have become a quick obsession of mine. I find myself giving bunny kisses often. I take the blame for the excessive number of bunnies we own lol.

mom –Chief groomer

I'm the errand boy. Anything they need, I go get it. I pick up about 600 lbs of feed and a couple bales of hay every two weeks!  I'm also caught trying to train the baby bunnies to come to me right out of the nest box as soon as their eyes open (every litter). I can't resist these cute little bunnies.

dad – errand boy

I am the brains behind the genetics and planned litters. I take most of the pictures and videos and handle all the finances of the biz. My kids are infatuated with every single bunny and enjoy getting to hold the bunnies when allowed. Sometimes they even get to help water the bunnies.

Kelsi & kids – Biz & Fun

at country bumpkin bunnies we adore our bunnies

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