
AKA Coccidia or Cocci is another protozoal parasite.


Coccidiosis, aka Coccidia or Cocci is another protozoal parasite (eimeria ....with several species) that rabbits can get. I have seen this in lots of different types of animals but rabbits seem to have a harder time bouncing back than any other animals I have experienced having Cocci. There is good news though. There is a simple preventative measure that can be taken to save your herd from ever having it! Scroll down to read about treatment and prevenatative.

For the most current info, make sure you scroll down to the very bottom!

First I am going to try and explain in laymen terms what Coccidia actually is.  Please remember, I am not a veterinarian or doctor of any sort.  I saw how this parasite worked in dogs in a clean environment, worked off of different veterinarians advice for many years and now see how it can pop up in rabbits easily as well.  So I will try to keep this simple and in my own words, explain what I believe it to be.  Coccidia is a parasite but before that it is a protozoa that is dormant in the digestive tract of an animal.   Protozoa are microscopic one celled organisms that do NOT have to live off of something naturally. Different stressors can cause this protozoa to activate and start shedding spores and eating away at any tissue or organ in its path.  Rabbits can stress much easier than any other animal I have owned, I have found. They can fall over dead of a heart attack from loud noises (literally). So it doesn't take much for them to get upset and the coccidia process begins.  I want to add that it is highly contagious as well! The spores or oocysts (eggs) shed via feces and will contaminate everything from hay, floors, bedding, food and water. Remember, even healthy rabbits can carry this protozoa.  They are just asymptomatic.  I have read that the life cycle is 4 - 14 days once ingested.


We like to keep on top of prevention so we don't see any symptoms pop up in our herd.  We use a product called Corid that can be purchased over the counter at any Tractor Supply, Rural King or online from many places.  I like to use Chewy or Revival Animal Health for these sort of necessities when purchasing online.   Corid can be added to the rabbit drinking water for 5 days consecutively.  We use 5 cc per gallon of water which is what the directions say to do for rabbits.  Our rabbits get this in their water quarterly each year.  We use Corid often because coccidia can be carried in on just about anything.  Even putting your rabbits out to graze in a nice, untreated pasture is a possible danger.  All sorts of species of animals can carry and spread coccidia (rodents, squirrels, wild rabbits, birds, cats and dogs, etc...).

If you want a much more detailed explanation of what Coccidia is in rabbits. This is a very helpful website that we found with much more info and photos!



More recent, we have come across something I like to call the miracle drug!  It is called Toltrazuril (a coccidiostat).  It is not labeled for rabbits.  However, it is used by MANY rabbit breeders and has saved rabbits that Corid has not!  I purchased this when I started losing a kit every 3-4 days.  Symptoms were mucous stool, very smelly and the kits died within 12-24 hours after the diarrhea onset. I sanitized and cleaned as best as I could and then it would happen again.  Not only in one litter but two different litters.  After about 4 or 5 dead 7-8 week old kits, I reached out for help from some very knowledgeable breeder friends.  I had heard of Toltrazuril being used for enteritis and as far as I am concerned with that, I feel the jury is still out. I cannot claim that it helps but "supposedly" it is off label and can help for enteritis (not sure what kind).  I tried it with a senior who had bloat and it did nothing.  However, when you are at the point of losing a rabbit, not willing to spend hundreds of dollars at the vet, this is my "go-to".  

I also give a dose of this when I feel a rabbit could stress when moved (going home, transport).  I give 0.2 cc to my kits orally.  NOT 2 cc.  Please do not give 2 entire cc...don't misread this.  What I did in the case of the sick litters was:

  • Day 1 pull all pellets
  • Day 1 & 2 feed 100% timothy or orchard hay (whatever your normally feeding as long as it is not tainted for TWO DAYS
  • Day 1 & 2 give probiotics in their water for TWO DAYS (I recommend Bene bac)
  • Day 3 after two days off pellets, give first dose of Toltrazuril and give pellets
  • Day 4 give second dose of Toltrazuril and continue pellets and their normal diet of unlimited hay and pellets

I have given one dose of Toltrazuril as a prevention (didn't pull pellets at all).  This is when there are no symptoms, PREVENTION only.

Below is a link where I purchase my supply

We share our experience but always recommend you consult with a veterinarian for all medical advice and care for your English Angora Rabbits and Bunnies. We only document how we treat our problems in our rabbitry and are NOT veterinarians.

at country bumpkin bunnies we adore our bunnies

'Rabbits have a subtle repertoire of body language to communicate so they don't draw attention to themselves. They use these signals to bond with their hutch mates, and the humans in their lives to say 'I love you'.
- Rosie Bescoby, animal behaviourist

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Our Bunny Policies

Everything you want to know about buying our bunnies! Please take the time to read it if you are considering to buying English Angora bunnies.

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